Automobile bills account for one of the largest spending for a typical American. A large part of this bill can be attributed to your auto insurance premiums. If you are looking to purchase a vehicle, you may want to look for an affordable car that your insurance company would look upon with favor -- not just a fuel economical car.
Auto insurers seriously consider the make and model of your vehicle when calculating your premiums. If your car is highly attractive (eye-catching) and has a high chance of being stolen, it’s likely to attract higher premiums. This is especially true if your car model has track records of being stolen frequently.
Generally a vehicle with larger engine capacity will command a higher price tag and larger auto insurance premiums as well. If the vehicle happens to be a high performance sports car, its insurance will increase astronomically.
Other than those obvious factors, there are more subtle features that can put your car in a better light. Getting a four-door sedan as compared to a two-door model helps. Installing anti-theft and safety devices in your car is certainly important to some insurers. And even the cost of repair and the safety rating of your car affects how the auto insurance companies are going to charge you.
If you’re buying a second hand car, make sure you check the odometer reading too. Lower readings indicate less wear and tear (generally) and also saves you some auto insurance cash. On top of this, your car commands a higher price (and will be in better demand) if you need to get rid of this car later.
The value of your vehicle will also influence the price of your car insurance. Generally, the less your car costs, the less you will pay in premiums.
In order to protect yourself and your family from financial burdens, you owe it to yourself to choose a suitable car that is affordable to maintain. While doing so, don’t forget that your auto insurance bills must also fit into your budget.
If you want to have maximum savings on your car insurance premiums, get a functional car with normal, unexciting (or dull) look. Cars that can rev and burn rubber on the road, or roar down the street at lightning speeds attract the highest car insurance premiums. Needless to say, those ultra-luxurious brands like Rolls Royce leaves you equally broke.
But don’t take my word for it – get a few quotations online to see if what I say is true. Compare premiums for different car models. Then and only then can you know how much more cash you’ll be burning on the flashy darling automobile that’s sitting at car showroom.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Auto Insurance Premiums - Choosing a Car That Saves You Loads of Cash
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Finding The Best Automobile Insurance Online
Automobile insurance is one of those necessary evils in life; many people don’t want car insurance because of the cost, but most people aren’t sure where they would be without it. In many countries having enough auto insurance to compensate others following an accident where you are at fault is compulsory and failure to carry the insurance can result in imprisonment.
Insurance is designed to protect against any loss that comes out as a result of an accident, giving some relief to those found liable for accidents facing expensive lawsuits and giving the victim with suitable compensation through the system. Because of this, most people end up being fairly relieved that they have automobile insurance at some point in their driving career.
Getting cheap car insurance online, even the most basic of packages, can wind up saving you an awful lot of strife on the road when you get into an accident. In fact, more people are choosing cheap car insurance online as their sole automobile insurance provider than ever before because of the ease in which it is accessible.
Car insurance online comes up with a valid quote for your insurance needs by calculating your vehicle type, your driving record, the roads you are most apt to drive on and the amount of time you will spend driving per month. From these variables, a car insurance provider can come up with a quote for their customers and can start to orchestrate a plan for delivering the best insurance possible.
Tesco, Britain’s leading automobile insurance provider, is one website that contains an awful lot of information that can help you come up with an online quote. Getting your car insurance through Tesco can be a brilliant way to go about insuring your car in the UK because of the alternatives to some of the basic plans, including ample special features and a ton of unique vehicle-specific variables that can be plugged into your overall plan.
Tesco car insurance has various no-frills style insurance packages that enable customers to mix-and-match some of their policy points in order to come up with a good policy that suits their needs.
Along with looking online for automobile insurance, there are other things you can do to get low car insurance rates to come your way. The top tip that most experts offer is to shop around. Look online, offline and everywhere in between for the best low car insurance rates.
Another idea is to make sure that all of the vehicles you will be insuring are located on the same policy. This is a good idea because it enables you to save up to or around ten percent per car through "multi-vehicle" discounts. An idea along these lines that some companies also offer is the "multi-line" insurance, meaning that if you insure your home and your car with the same company, you will end up with a discount on both pieces.
There are many opportunities to save money on your automobile insurance if you look in the right places. You can choose a higher deductible, for example, and save a good amount of money on your car insurance through that route. You can also drop collision altogether if you have an older car, enabling you to cut some fiscal corners and bring down your overall rate. The best option for saving money on your automobile insurance is, however, to not end up using it by driving safely.
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