Monday, February 16, 2009

Automobile Insurance Rules - Ratings and Rules of Automobile Insurance

This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding Auto Car Insurance. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Auto Car Insurance

Automobile insurance rules vary from state to state. It is important to understand automobile insurance rules in your state to make certain that you are prepared if you are involved in an accident. One of the first questions you should ask prospective insurance companies is what their automobile insurance rating is. Insurance companies receive a rating based on their financial status. The purpose of auto insurance is to prevent you from having to pay out a large amount of money if you are in an accident -- whether you are at fault or not. If the insurance-company takes your premium but does not have the resources or inclination to pay out your claim, you will be in little better shape than if you had no coverage at all.

Automobile insurance ratings are typically available through your state's insurance commission, the state agency that oversees insurers. Other ways to determine the rating of a company are by asking the company directly, or asking your agent or broker. Once you are certain that you are dealing with a financially responsible company, you are ready to buy. It is important to understand the different automobile insurance rules so that you purchase the coverage that best meets your needs. By following the rules in your state you can be certain that you are protected. Automobile insurance protects you in the following ways:

1. Coverage if your car is damaged or stolen.

2. Coverage of your financial obligations if others are injured or their property is damaged due to actions on your part.

3. Coverage of medical expenses for you or others if you are involved in an accident.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to Auto Car Insurance than you may have first thought.

Understanding these different types of coverage ensures that you are covered in any instance. Once you have purchased the policy that best meets your needs, it is important to meet your part of the agreement with the issuing company. If you are involved in an accident, it is important that you contact the insurer immediately. Automobile liability insurance reporting rules vary from state to state, but the basic rules are the same. If you are involved in an auto accident, whether you believe that you are at fault or not, there are several things that you should do:

• If no one is injured, move to the side of the road. This reduces the risk of secondary accidents.

• Call 911 or the local police. The rules regarding filing a police report differ, but typically if damage to either vehicle exceeds $250, you should file a police report. It never hurts to have an official record of the accident regardless.

• Exchange insurance-information with the other party. Whether you believe that you are at fault or not, you should exchange information. The insurer will follow-up and, with the help of the police report and statements from everyone involved, determine fault and negotiate a settlement.

Automobile insurance rules differ from state to state and company to company, but if you understand the various types of coverage available, and follow the guidelines set forth by your company in the event of an accident, you should have no problems with filing or receiving a claim.

That's the latest from the Auto Car Insurance authorities. Once you're familiar with these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next level.